Saturday, July 11, 2009

Can a Healthy PH Level fix your GERD ?

While acidic backwash has become an increasing issue for many across the years, there are multiple paths to treat acid backwash. Get fit. They aren't precisely a cure all for acid burn, as many need to cure their acidic backwash over the long run. These can all have a dramatic effect on the way your acidic backwash reacts. The pH ( stands for potential of Hydrogen ) is a measure of how acid or alkaline a solution is. If you've a high pH reading, then a solution would be more alkaline or oxygen-rich. The values of pH range between 0 to 14, with the middle ( 7.0 ) being neutral. These can come in the shape of complications to your GERD or acidic reflux.

The best tack in treating this, as was in my case, is the natural way.

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